It was a quiet day. Just like every other day for me at that time. I did not have so much activity going on around me as I was either going in or coming out of my house for some reason or the other. The only friend I could call my own was my loyal laptop. I decided to round up my online activities for the day. Turning off my WIFI connection almost made my tummy ache because I knew after then I wouldn't be connected to the internet till the next morning. Knowing the internet was the only place I could play and go on adventurous tours. And then I began to worry about not having a phone. "Gosh! who doesn't have a phone nowadays?" I wondered. I knew I was working on getting a new one but I was just drowned with the thought of not having one at that moment.
As I kept worrying about petty things, I thought about people who had bigger troubles. We all worry about things so much and forget that what they already have is another man's worry. The man with no feet worries about having at least a wheelchair to move with. The man on the wheel chair worries about having a good pair of legs. The man walking down the street worries about having a bicycle. The bicycle man worries about having a car. The sick wants to get well and the healthy ones wants to do body surgeries just to look prettier. The poor wants to get rich, the rich wants to get powerful and the powerful ones want to take over the world. I mean...its insane! Inside the heart of man lies an unending string of worries. Everybody strives to be better yet they forget to hold on for a second, take a good look around them and stay thankful to God for how far or little they have come.
I snapped back to consciousness. I knew where I was coming from and the days I had nothing. And now I was disturbing my pretty head about something so little. No matter the stages I am in life and how much I need to move on, I would never forget how I got here. Its good to sit back and enjoy the moment because someone else wishes to be where I am. Striving for greater things are man's ultimate goal but we should learn to appreciate the things we already have. I closed my eyes, silently counted my blessings and was already thankful for the ones yet to come. Being thankful felt better than worrying. Although I wasn't where I wanted to be but I was thankful for not being where I used to be.
HmmN nice one Winie