On Wednesday, the 38-year-old rapper had unleashed a Twitter rant against her other ex, Wiz Khalifa, after he expressed annoyance with the title of Yeezy's new album, WAVES. During his tirade, Kanye got personal, saying Wiz "let a stripper trap him," referring to Rose's former job before she became a glamour model, and went as far as to tell him he "wouldn't have a child if it wasn't for me" and that he "owns" his child. Wiz and Rose are parents to 2-year-old Sebastian "The Bash" Taylor Thomaz.Rose soon got on Twitter and unleashed some pretty nasty responses of her own to Kanye.
Kanye, who has since deleted his mean tweets, has not responded to Rose.
Kanye and wife Kim Kardashian are parents to 2-year-old daughter North West and 1-month-old son Saint West. Wiz made no mention of them while interacting with Kanye on Twitter.
Rose said she was not surprised Kanye brought her son into it and called the rapper a clown.
"Listen, don't talk about my kid," she said. "That's all I got to say. Don't talk about my baby. I wouldn't have said anything if it was just between him and Wiz. That's two grown men hashing it out. I would've kept it cute and just minded my business. You don't' bring in my baby. That's so corny. That's the second time you did it this week."
Meanwhile, if Kanye, Rose and Wiz want to take the feud to the small screen, Jerry Springer has graciously offered to help.
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